Sunday 9 December 2012

Fifa 12 Hack

This is the newest Fifa 12 Virtual Pro Hack.

With this hack you can boost your Virtual Pro player on Fifa 12.

There are three hacks included for, PC, XBOX, and PS3.

So it just needs to download and try it by yourself.

I was very happy when my player was shooting free kicks in pro ranked matches

How to download:

You should fill the survey with your own real personal information before the start of the download, but first you can try to bypass the servers like this:

Step 1: Go to your download page.

Step 2: Choose a survey,

Step 3: Go to:

Step 4: Generate a fake person.

Step 5: Copy the info from the generated person into the areas on the survey where you need to fill out.

Step 6: After sumiting the survey info, a new tab should pop up. Ignore this tab. If a new browser window pops up , X it out.

Step 7: The download should shortly pop up at the download page. I it does not pop up in about 3-5 minutes of waiting then you should either,reload the page, or exit the tab that the download is on and go to the download link again and then it should pop up.

Step 8: If it did not pop yet,than you should try, rebooting your computer and redoing the survey or exiting the browser and redoing it again. If it does not still pop up.....

You will need to enter your real personal information, and the download will start 100%.

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